
February 2009 - This blog is about my family's trials, tribulations and experiences in dealing with my father, Rick's struggle with Early Onset Alzheimer’s. He is only 68 and has declined so rapidly in the last three years. My family and I have not found any useful information about this type of Alzheimer's Disease (AD), early onset, anywhere. We started this blog to document the reality and severity of this type of AD, in an attempt to help and educate other families in the same situation. There is so much that the medical community does not know, or does not tell families with loved ones with AD. Well, we tell it like it is. The reality of it...the good, the bad and the ugly.  For some, having a better idea of what to expect during the progression of your loved one's AD can be a great help. It can at the very least help you and your family plan and prepare for the caregiving of your loved one. We welcome and encourage any comments, stories and questions...anything.